Series: Threads of the Moirae #2
Published by: Clean Teen Publishing
Release Date: September, 2016
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
Pages: 300
ISBN13: 978-1634222167
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Still reeling after killing the man she loved, Atropos turns her attention to the twin tasks of avenging his death and freeing humanity from the deadly grip of the Keres. When she sets out on a murderous mission to retrieve her shears, her only aide is her temperamental ex-boyfriend, Ares. He is fickle at best, traitorous at worst, and assistance from him may be worse than none at all.
Along the way, she allies with a group of powerful supernaturals and learns that the crimes of the gods are more twisted and far-reaching than she realized. What begins as a quest for vengeance becomes a journey through betrayal, loss, love, and hope. It ignites a war that will pit Atropos against the gods in a battle for the freedom of humanity.
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Avenging Fate Chapter 1.pdf
I was so hooked to the story that I devoured it in 12 hours.
- Jenny Bynum, Black Words - White Pages
I enjoyed this story for the way the author takes Greek myths and makes them her own.
- Yara, Goodreads Reviewer
Great book!!! I loved the first book and I love this book even more, I don't know if I can handle the next book.....yes I can...I want it now!!! Awesome series
- Nikki, Amazon Reviewer
I devoured this book in two days and enjoyed every minute of it. While the first book had me in tears this one contained more action and built on the story. I can't wait to read more!
- Mt_flamingo, Amazon Reviewer